flexii has sustainability in our DNA. Unfortunately, many silicone products end up in landfills due to a complex recycling process. The best way to be sure is to send it back to us (funny joke optional).

Our company uses Zero Waste Box™ by TerraCycle® to recycle our silicone products that are not currently recycled by traditional recycling facilities. The content of the box will be sorted and turned into raw materials that can be reused.

Recycling how-to:


Clean your flexii and place in a small box.


Address your package to flexii Recycling.

47 Wear Bay Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6PY


Select the appropriate stamp for your package.

Click Here for Royal Mail Prices and select the appropriate postage label.


Bring it to your local Post Office or Click Here for Free Collection.

Once we receive your flexii products, you will receive 10% off your next order!

If you have any questions, or wish to redeem your 10% code, please email us support@flexii.co.uk


Items saved
from landfills